Male looking for female : With Phone contact. 30-45 years old

Total there: 4851

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Yuriy Ryagsk 40 180/98 Sagittarius
Rostislav Ekaterinburg 41 169/58 Libra
Dmitriy Yugno-Sahalinsk 39 170/79 Pisces
Dmitriy Kaluga 34 170/74 Pisces
Aleksey Tula 37 170/60 Aries
Andrey Tambov 41 178/85 Aries
Evgeniy Astrahan 43 178/73 Pisces
Sergey Penza 37 180/61 Gemini
Aleksey Saratov 38 167/54 Scorpio
Vanya Orenburg 30 170/55 Aquarius
Elchin Baku 43 165/70 Scorpio  
Aleksey Irkutsk 35 / Pisces
Aleksey Dimitrov 34 175/80 Pisces
Nikolay Volgograd 41 168/60 Libra
Datka Tbilisi 34 181/75 Cancer
Garik Moskva 35 165/70 Gemini
Nikolay Ryazan 40 178/64 Sagittarius
Yuriy Belgorod 36 178/97 Pisces
Andrey Nahodka 42 177/70 Leo
Yuriy Negin 35 173/90 Aries

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