Male looking for female : With Phone contact. 30-45 years old

Total there: 4852

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Kirill Donetsk 32 1.8/74 Leo
Aleksandr Krasnodar 38 169/60 Cancer
Aleksandr Samara 30 175/69 Sagittarius
Andrey Kurgan 36 182/75 Leo
Aleksandr Kondrovo 43 185/75 Libra
Sergey Balashiha 39 170/69 Scorpio
Roma Tomsk 34 170/87 Pisces
Oleg Lobnya 38 / Cancer
Kirill Nigniy Novgorod 39 187/73 Leo
Ivan Tyumen 35 175/69 Scorpio
Ruslan Shahti 43 1,7/74 Taurus
Denis Zvenigorod 39 183/80 Virgo
Evgeniy Moskva 40 192/85 Aries
Abduaziz Moskva 44 174/76 Leo
Sergey Polyarniy 35 179/79 Libra
Rafael Moskva 32 165/80 Cancer
Sasha Moskva 40 175/80 Scorpio
Pavel Chelyabinsk 36 170/71 Aquarius
Ruslan Simerp 31 185/70 Taurus
Mihail Moskva 41 182/70 Pisces

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