Male looking for female : With photo. 30-45 years old

Total there: 5840

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Dmitriy Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy 37 173/75 Aquarius
Denis Pyatigorsk 33 179/79 Leo
Nikolay Krasnodar 30 168/71 Leo
Roman Krasnoyarsk 33 183/73 Aries
Tal Toronto 44 187/ Pisces
Aleh Nahabino 43 183/90
Dima Lyubertsi 42 170/70 Virgo
Anton Moskva 37 175/89 Leo
Nikolya Moskva 30 182/85 Sagittarius
Deni Dnepropetrovsk 36 173/62 Leo
Vladislav Ufa 34 175/67 Pisces
Farid Shatura 36 180/84 Aries
Sergey Igevsk 36 /
Anatoliy Kiev 35 187/75 Libra
Denis Priozersk 33 171/70 Scorpio
Sasha Bogorodsk 33 / Leo
Via Ufa 34 175/70
Dmitry Omsk 37 177/58 Leo
Aleks Moskva 30 170/67
Pavel Anapa 36 /

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