Male looking for female : With photo. From 45 years old and older

Total there: 1856

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Vilen Krasnodar 50 1.7/100 Taurus
Gennadiy Orsk 70 170/70 Aries
Andrey Moskva 56 173/100 Aries
Viktor Astrahanskaya oblast 49 180/85 Libra
Vasiliy Azov 47 170/75 Aquarius
Serega Yaroslavl 46 171/77 Pisces
Oleg Nigniy Novgorod 47 182/95 Leo
Mihail Murmansk 50 180/80
Aleksandr Lyubertsi 46 1,8/78 Capricorn
Gary Taldom 51 172/87 Aries
Valera Karaganda 55 165/64 Aries
Sergey Bredi 51 180/80 Scorpio
Safar Moskva 47 176/80- Pisces
Aleksandr Moskva 55 170/ Leo
Aleksandr Belorechensk 49 166/70 Gemini
Pavel Omsk 47 178/79 Cancer
Aleksey Yugno-Sahalinsk 50 /
Sergey Moskva 54 178/89 Aquarius
Aleksandr Krasnodar 52 180/82 Sagittarius
Viktor Nigniy Novgorod 46 176/92 Gemini

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