Male looking for female : With Phone contact. 18-29 years old

Total there: 2610

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Washington Turiuba 23 1,7/46 Libra
Aleksandr Rostov-na-Donu 28 180/79 Pisces  
Aleksey Irkutsk 24 176/68 Cancer
Artyom Taldom 23 187/85 Leo
Roma Zaporoge 28 170/60 Pisces
Valeriy velikie luki 19 / Pisces
Andrey Omsk 24 174/75 Virgo
Danil Volgskiy 20 185/70 Capricorn
Iskandar Novosibirsk 24 172/63 Aries
Andrey Simferopol 26 176/52 Capricorn
Sergey Klimovsk 29 160/60 Scorpio
Evgeniy Kirov 29 175/ Aquarius
Askat Kubanichbekovich Tekesbaev Moskva 23 179/75 Sagittarius
Aleksandr Orsk Svobodniy Amurskaya oblast 28 170/60 Pisces
Andrey Angarsk 22 176/80 Aquarius
Aleksandr Orel 29 172/70 Virgo
Aleksandr Irkutsk 26 180/70 Virgo
Aleksandr Ufa 28 185/114
Ivan Novosibirsk 24 196/ Libra
Andrey Kurgan 18 180/75 Virgo

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