Male looking for female : With photo. 30-45 years old

Total there: 5842

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Valentin Kulebaki 38 177/85 Pisces
Maksim Moskva 30 185/75
Veniamin Irkutsk 40 160/75 Aquarius
Sergey Volgodonsk 34 174/75 Aquarius
Yuriy Chita 41 176/78 Libra
Seriy Kochubeevskoe 34 174/75 Aquarius
Bulat Chelyabinsk 38 185/80
Vladimir Kargat 32 176/85 Cancer
Sergey Pavlograd 34 / Aquarius
Oleg Letichev 30 180/75 Aries
Pavel Geleznogorsk 30 /
Aleksey Novosibirsk 37 175/70 Virgo
Vitaliy Sankt-Peterburg 44 / Aries
Yuriy Kachkanar 30 172/86 Virgo
Oleg Siktivkar 36 172/61 Sagittarius
Mitya Sankt-Peterburg 31 /
Aleksey Tolyatti 38 170/ Aquarius
Jager Chelyabinsk 36 176/75 Gemini
Anton Moskva 30 /
Sergey Minsk 35 170/68 Aquarius

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