Male looking for female : With photo. From 45 years old and older

Total there: 1860

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Aleksandr Bahchisarayskiy rayon, selo Aromatnoe 60 174/75 Capricorn
Vasiliy Moskva 45 175/75 Cancer
Roman Vladimir 50 180/90 Libra
Denis Achinsk 45 165/66 Virgo
Norayr Odintsovo 54 168/62 Cancer
Ahmed Samarkand 51 175/80 Leo
Vladimir Moskva. 74 188/92 Pisces
Sergey Sevastopol 57 172/55 Gemini
Genya Moskva 45 182/82 Leo
Vladimir Odintsovo 47 176/90 Capricorn
Vlaislav Olekminsk R Saha Yakutiya 49 183/87 Pisces
Wladimir Omsk 45 168/70 Gemini
Sergey Vologda 51 165/55 Capricorn
Vladimir Anakliya 49 173/60 Cancer
Maksim Minsk 49 181/82
Vladimir Krasnodar 52 177/70 Pisces
Sergey Sankt-Peterburg 61 178/60 Pisces
Aleksey Shchelkovo 47 174/ Capricorn
Aleksandr Ryazan 45 / Aries
Vasiliy Donetsk 65 171/68 Pisces

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