Male looking for female : With photo. 18-29 years old

Total there: 3472

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Vadim Nikolaev 29 180/90 Scorpio
Dmitriy Lebedyan 24 174/56 Pisces
Pavel Moskva 29 170/55 Virgo
Aleksandr Moskva 24 183/82 Leo
Sergey Kropotkin 28 180/97 Virgo
Detsl Nyu-York 29 188/80 Sagittarius
Farhad Moskva 25 180/74 Taurus
Aleksandr Hanti-Mansiysk 28 / Aquarius
Aleksandr Ufa 27 183/100 Capricorn
Stanislav Moskva 28 / Leo
Vladislav Bryansk 24 185/75 Leo
Serega Bryansk 27 180/70 Taurus
Pavel Maloyaroslavets 29 165/ Libra
Ilya Alchevsk 23 164/50 Leo
Davud Tagirbekov Chehov 26 /
Dmitriy Simferopol 27 190/81 Leo
Radmir Ufa 28 / Aquarius
Alekey Moskva 27 178/75 Aquarius
Anton Moskva 29 187/90 Sagittarius
Rei Donetsk 19 / Scorpio

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