Male looking for female : Romantic. From 45 years old and older

Total there: 1437

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Bogachyov yuriy Saratov 52 174/78
Yuriy Bishkek 55 172/54 Libra
Vlad Moskva 48 178/78 Cancer
Vadim Varshava 49 176/80 Leo
Satish Minsk 56 /
Nail Moskva 45 180/70
Nikolay Moskva 45 / Aries
Aleksandr Lipetsk 50 165/80 Capricorn
Yuriy Golovanevsk 56 170/65 Pisces
Viktor Molodechno 46 /
Aleksey Chernushka 46 170/50 Taurus  
Aleksandr Vladimir 54 180/75 Gemini
Reshat Volgograd 55 180/65 Pisces
Vasiliy Kirov 48 185/80 Aquarius
Dmitriy Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy 45 182/73 Sagittarius
Dmitriy Essentuki 49 /110 Aries  
Andrey Novokuznetsk 46 /
Viktor Orenburg 47 176/72 Scorpio
Vladimir Ternopol 46 172/67 Virgo
Pavlin Dobrich 50 178/85 Aries

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