Male looking for female : With Phone contact. 30-45 years old

Total there: 4852

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Aleksandr Kizlyar 39 173/61 Cancer
Andrey Kramatorsk 43 184/75 Pisces
Roman Nigniy Novgorod 33 180/ Taurus
Andrey Lisva 37 170/70 Pisces  
Kolya Novorossiysk 33 175/75
Oleg Kiev 42 165/71 Capricorn
Aleksandr Rostov 32 160/61 Aquarius
Bebe kutaisi 40 175/90 Capricorn
Dmitriy Penza 34 170/77 Gemini
Aleksey Stariy Oskol 39 172/ Leo
Andrey Ivashov Solikamsk 34 177/96
Sergey Blagoveshchensk 35 175/90 Libra
Aleksey Habarovskiy kray 37 183/80 Capricorn
Vip Odessa 40 180/80 Aries  
Denis Mogilyov 37 170/70 Capricorn
German Saraktash 41 170/72 Capricorn
Igor Gukovskiy 43 178/70 Cancer
Sergey Vologda 42 173/197 Aries
Dmitriy Germaniya Duysburg 40 175/78 Scorpio
Konstantin Lochov 34 170/68 Cancer

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