Male looking for female : With photo. From 45 years old and older

Total there: 1856

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Vyacheslav Ekaterinburg 45 170/60 Libra
Muslim Moskva 49 170/68 Leo
Sergey Novomoskovsk 47 / Leo
Evgeniy Megdurechensk 48 180/95 Pisces
Nikolay Osipov Strugi-Krasnie 69 165/70 Aquarius
Pat Hobart 59 170/98 Gemini
Dragan Tufegdgich Omsk 45 175/69 Scorpio
Vitaliy Pervomaysk 47 175/68 Gemini
Albert Mogaysk 46 177/95 Aries
Evgeniy Lomonosov 47 170/65 Gemini
Sasha Velikie Luki 46 158/55 Cancer
Vasiliy Lipetsk 52 165/95 Scorpio
Evgeniy Ulyanovsk 50 174/76 Cancer
Aleksey Dunedin 53 180/80 Virgo
Georgiy Belaya Kalitva 46 172/67 Aquarius
Igor Perm 49 181/80 Sagittarius
Albin Kazan 58 176/72 Capricorn
Aleksey Himki 47 170/55 Pisces
Kolya Kovalev Belgorod 58 176/83 Scorpio
Svetlana Sochi 50 162/54 Virgo

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