Male looking for female : With Phone contact. From 45 years old and older

Total there: 1382

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Aleksey Nigniy Novgorod 48 178/72 Pisces
Stanislav Dolgoprudniy 45 181/87
Sergey Perm 46 / Cancer
Nikolay Moskva 51 180/85 Scorpio
Grigoriy Opochka 48 170/65 Capricorn
Aleksandr Igevsk 47 176/84 Virgo
Kostya Ulyanovsk 45 178/75 Pisces
Vitaliy Moskva 54 180/90 Sagittarius
V Sizran 45 172/62 Sagittarius
Oleg Arhangelsk 53 163/64 Pisces
Aleksey Kalyazin 60 180/80 Leo
Volodyu Ulyanovsk 45 172/62 Sagittarius
Oleg Kirov 49 174/82 Taurus
Ilgar Vladimir 48 180/88 Gemini
Igor Samara 45 170/70 Aquarius  
Bezprizorniy Bor 48 191/75 Libra
Yuriy Gatchina 47 167/65 Capricorn
Akseye Tuchkovo 47 170/78 Leo  
Sergey Volgograd 45 165/110 Aries
Murat Tsindao 53 194/87  

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