Male looking for female : With photo. 30-45 years old

Total there: 5840

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Denis Shahti 30 178/65 Scorpio
Aleksey Elets 38 167/65 Pisces
Nikolay Ivanovo 41 171/94 Pisces
Vyacheslav Kemerovo 42 167/60 Leo
Roman Volgograd 40 183/74 Cancer
Andrey Moskva 40 176/75 Gemini
Rustam Ulyanovsk 42 180/80 Taurus
Arseniy Moskva 43 165/ Leo
Sasha Shadrinsk 34 177/78 Taurus
Aleksey Almati 40 1.8/70 Virgo
Aleksey Lipetsk 35 190/80 Aries
Igorek Rostov-na-Donu 33 177/86
Igor Aleksandrovich Voroneg 38 178/70 Gemini
Denis Vinnitsa 30 170/76 Pisces
Ivan Moskva 35 185/78 Taurus
Dmitriy Moskva 38 168/75 Pisces
Rushan Nigniy Novgorod 40 168/68 Pisces
Nikolay Kaluga 44 178/70 Scorpio
Roman Tosno 36 176/70 Pisces
Vova Vinnitsa 41 185/82 Libra

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