Male looking for female : With photo. From 45 years old and older

Total there: 1856

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Yuriy Cherepovets 56 176/70 Taurus
Armen Salzbuurg 52 161/65 Libra
German Saraktash 52 170/72 Capricorn
Pavel Kotlas 67 167/80 Cancer
Andrey Lyubertsi 45 182/90 Gemini
Borya Moskva 45 176/82 Aquarius
Sergey Vladivostok 54 178/80 Aquarius
Aleksandr Balashiha 45 173/75 Gemini
Dgamol 53 172/88 Scorpio
Oleg Biysk 45 175/60 Capricorn
Aleksey Yaroslavl 55 172/80 Capricorn
Sergey Volgograd 45 175/62 Cancer
Sergey Moskva 45 188/112 Taurus
Romi Kaluga 58 180/90 Libra
Andrey Kerch 60 164/51 Pisces
Rayeh 51 178/90 Taurus
Viktor Tinda 48 178/78 Pisces
Valeriy Kirov 57 176/70 Capricorn
Viktor Daugapis 45 1.6/63 Virgo
Nikolay Rilsk 46 178/78 Capricorn

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