Male looking for female : With Phone contact. 30-45 years old

Total there: 4851

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Aleksandr Moskva 41 180/ Aquarius
Vitaliy Nevel 39 185/75 Aries
Gabil Borovichi 33 185/80 Gemini
Viktor Skopin 36 170/60 Cancer
Dima Volgodonsk 44 177/79 Taurus
Kamil Kazan 37 178/75 Sagittarius
Aleksandr Stupino 41 175/80 Aquarius
Kirill Yugno- Sahalinsk 42 174/65 Pisces
Daniel Sochi 34 193/89 Capricorn
Aleks Tambov 35 183/81 Scorpio
Aleksey Barnaul Rebriha 44 178/70
Anatoliy Ufa 44 170/82 Libra
Timofey Balashiha 42 174/60 Leo
Roman Tver 41 180/75 Pisces
I.O.R Lyubertsi 38 175/65 Aries
Andrey 40 166/67 Pisces
Alhas Sochi 40 177/65 Cancer
Sergey Simferopol 31 168/87 Virgo
Evgeniy Kursk 37 180/75 Taurus
Yunier Cuba 32 175/78 Gemini  

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