Male looking for female : With Phone contact. From 45 years old and older

Total there: 1382

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Varfolomey Sisert 56 167/98 Gemini
Aleksey Yugno-Sahalinsk 50 /
Oleg UFA 47 161/60
Vlad Kazan 48 180/75 Pisces
Mamr Tashkent 60 174/85 Cancer  
Sergey Sankt-Peterburg 49 177/85 Capricorn
Igor Sosnogorsk 50 165/60 Leo
Vitalik Kansk 47 173/ Libra
Vitalik Kansk 47 173/ Libra
Ruslan Argayash 45 165/65 Libra
Aleksandr Sosnovoborsk Krasnoyarskii kray 47 180/70 Capricorn
Vladislav Bavli 47 170/50 Virgo
Angrey Zelenograd 46 182/92 Pisces
Yuriy Moskva 50 173/90 Scorpio
Oleg Dnepropetrovsk 56 186/74 Capricorn
Aleksandr Krasnodar 51 168/57 Taurus
Alkksey Moskva 59 186/ Aries
Shar Sharich Nalchik 58 174/85 Leo
Dmitriy Zugres Donetskaya Oblast 45 170/52 Gemini
Erni Moskva 46 170/60 Capricorn

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