Male looking for female : With photo. 18-29 years old

Total there: 3472

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Nikita Moskva 29 /85 Capricorn
Viktor Cherepovets 29 /
Sergey Krasnoyarsk 29 170/63 Taurus
Seryoga Izmaylovo 28 189/85 Scorpio
Vlad Virt Tula 23 174/80 Aries
Sergey Sankt-Peterburg 27 174/70 Pisces
Martovskiy kot Volgograd 29 / Pisces
Timur Moskva 29 170/75 Taurus
Sergey Moskva 29 167/64 Pisces
Maksim Moskva 22 183/75 Libra
Artik Tashkent 22 165/ Sagittarius
Murad Egorevsk 27 180/78 Virgo
Danila Beregovoy 29 170/55 Taurus
Aleks Tashkent 21 180/78 Libra
Baha Moskva 23 170/70 Pisces
Nikolay Dnepropetrovsk 25 171/65 Sagittarius
Yura Moskva 22 178/81 Aries
Sergey Donetsk 28 180/80 Pisces
Nikolay Ekaterinburg 28 170/70 Sagittarius
Misha Moskva 19 180/65 Aquarius

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