Male looking for female : With Phone contact. 30-45 years old

Total there: 4851

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Mihail Suvorov 43 170/70 Taurus
Sasha Chelyabinsk 43 182/76 Leo
Sergey Azov 39 170/65
Evgeniy 38 172/55
Aleksandr Klin 38 189/90 Cancer
Aleksandr Minusinsk 39 192/104 Taurus
Aleksey 44 172/72 Scorpio
Artyom Melitopol 39 175/75 Leo
Oleg Purmerend 37 175/83 Aries
Aleksey Berdyansk 36 178/73 Scorpio
Aziz Moskva 34 185/82 Scorpio
Sergey Ekaterinburg 32 176/70 Leo
Bobbe Karaganda 40 178/80 Leo
Anatoliy Partizansk 44 186/110 Aries
Nail Kazan 43 180/80 Libra
Ivan Tashkent 37 186/80 Scorpio
Stanislav Simferopol 34 178/76 Libra
Aleksandr Elektrostal 44 182/76
Viktor Melitopol 44 1.6/70 Virgo
Pavel Novosibirsk 32 175/79 Taurus

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