Male looking for female : With Phone contact. 30-45 years old

Total there: 4851

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Evgeniy Nevinnomissk 34 180/64 Leo
Pavel Litkarino 43 183/76 Gemini
Marcinosiecki Lyublin 43 175/85 Taurus
Aleksey Voroneg 33 178/80 Pisces
Genya Bryansk 36 170/59 Scorpio
Sergey Priyutnoe 31 177/82 Capricorn
Sasha Simferopol 37 0/0
Chyorniy Pyos Lugansk 37 186/90 Libra
Genya Putyatino 34 190/98 Cancer
Denis Krasavchik Novosibirsk 38 180/80 Leo
Andrey Magnitogorsk 35 160/42 Sagittarius
Vitaliy Rubtsovsk 33 /60 Leo
Andrey Barselona 41 178/85 Leo
Gorik Balabanovo 41 170/75
Sergey Vsevologsk 33 184/85 Leo
Sergey Angarsk 40 180/75 Sagittarius
Aleksandr Sankt-Peterburg 32 176/75 Aries
Pavel Vsevologsk 36 170/65
Dima Volgograd 36 175/73 Leo
Yaroslav Baranovka 36 170/54 Sagittarius

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