Female finding boyfriend : With photo. 18-29 years old

Total there: 1122

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Shokoladka Mahachkala 21 167/55 Taurus
Valeriya Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy 20 168/ Aquarius
Elena Moskva 25 168/59 Leo
Volk Chelyabinsk 23 /
Vika Polevskoy 21 / Sagittarius
Si Moskva 24 162/
Tatyana Moskva 20 165/55 Taurus
Elena Smachnaya Moskva 25 /
vlad Vladikavkaz 22 170/63
Nastyushka Istra 21 162/70 Aquarius
Tanya Moskva 27 159/75 Aries
Shamil Kazan 28 180/70 Libra
Yulechka Cheboksari 29 /
Lesunya Geltie Vodi 29 170/65 Virgo
Sasha Moskva 20 180/73 Pisces
Kristina Novokuznetsk 22 162/56 Aquarius
Uzbechka Perm 28 156/45 Capricorn
Elena Sofrino 23 /
Nadegda Lebedyan 21 165/50 Aquarius
Sveta Berezniki 24 176/55 Scorpio

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