Female finding boyfriend : With photo. 30-45 years old

Total there: 1205

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Natalya 34 162/90 Sagittarius
Elena Vladivostok 38 200/90 Aries
nataliya Moskva 33 170/49
Tatyana Krasnodar 42 162/65 Pisces
miss Ukraina 33 165/65 Capricorn
Kseniya 35 173/60 Gemini
Oksana 33 170/55
Svetlana Estoniya 34 / Libra
Varya Krasnoyarsk 35 170/55 Scorpio
Sergey Kirov 32 178/100 Cancer
Stephen k Moskva 32 /
Alex 37 180/75 Aquarius
Sveta - Dusha Kemerovo 33 160/56 Aquarius
Olga Moskva 36 160/63 Sagittarius
Ilnur 32 165/67 Pisces
Alisa Ekaterinburg 38 168/65
Irishka Volgograd 38 165/60 Pisces
Olga Chelyabinsk 39 / Libra
Ilshat 30 / Virgo
NATALYa 43 153/67 Cancer

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