Female finding boyfriend : With photo

Total there: 3067

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Olenka Omsk 38 /
Svetlana Prohladniy 29 /
N Moskva 32 165/59 Libra
Olga Arhangelsk 25 /
Violetta Moskva 25 171/52 Virgo
Natali Rubtsovsk 33 164/56 Capricorn
Tatyana Novosibirsk 43 /
Kiska Shchelkovo 33 165/55 Leo
Veronika Moskva 24 168/55 Cancer
Alina Moskva 35 165/50 Sagittarius
Lidiya Nigniy Novgorod 39 160/ Scorpio
S Chelyabinsk 40 172/60 Capricorn
Irina Dyusseldorf 37 168/ Capricorn
Svetik Ekaterinburg 45 150/50 Gemini
Yulyasha Moskva 32 157/50 Leo
Tatyana Moskva 35 158/60
Kamila Mahachkala 69 69/61 Libra
Mariella Baykonur 23 170/47 Virgo
Irena Kingisepp 47 160/ Libra
Elena Chelyabinsk 48 165/59 Libra

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