Male looking for female : With photo. 18-29 years old

Total there: 3472

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Dimon Morozovsk 27 / Aries
Artem Tashkent 28 183/84 Sagittarius
Pavel Tula 20 174/67 Virgo
Andrey Voroneg 24 185/80 Pisces
Aleksey Petropavlovsk 21 180/77 Cancer
Konstantin Moskva 26 182/63 Cancer
Tima Harkov 25 176/72 Virgo
Pavel Ramenskoe 28 181/ Leo
Dmitriy Sankt-Peterburg 24 182/75
Yuriy Samara 28 187/82 Cancer
Ivan Tyumen 25 170/56 Capricorn
Serega Kumertau 18 / Gemini
Tolya Voroneg 24 170/ Aquarius
Ani Sochi 23 168/75 Capricorn
Stanislav Altayskiy 28 178/80 Scorpio
Alexey Krasnodar 24 /
Aleksandr Ivanovo 28 170/
Andrey Gitomir 29 / Cancer
Sapar Samara 29 172/60 Libra
Galya Novgorod 26 160/60 Virgo

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