Male looking for female : With photo. 30-45 years old

Total there: 5843

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Alik Istra 32 170/75 Leo
Aleksey Cherepovets 40 180/65 Pisces
Aleks Artem 39 175/60 Leo
Ruslan Ivdel 40 / Scorpio
Konstantin Moskva 34 182/72 Libra
Ruslan Barda 32 175/74 Taurus
Aleksey Novosibirsk 38 165/60 Gemini
Pavel Gukanov Pushkino 35 188/70 Sagittarius
Evgeniy Novorossiysk 35 178/80 Cancer
Andrey Gatchina 43 176/105 Aries
Nikolay Mitishchi 30 175/73 Taurus
Ilmir Naberegnie Chelni 38 / Capricorn
Sasha Reutov 30 180/ Libra
Andrey Naberegnie Chelni 38 164/58 Aries
Marat Kazan 39 174/72 Sagittarius
Aleksey Stariy Oskol 38 171/ Leo
Mihail Ganyushkin Gorodets 36 185/86 Aquarius
Dmitriy Zelenogradsk 42 191/97 Libra
Vladimir Lipetsk 31 / Capricorn
Vitaliy Simferopol 32 170/60 Aquarius

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