Male looking for female : With photo. From 45 years old and older

Total there: 1856

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Sergey Tolyatti 54 170/60 Scorpio
Aleksandr Rossiya 64 182/79 Cancer
Varfolomey Sisert 56 167/98 Gemini
Seriy Tomsk 50 190/87 Aquarius
Sergey Simferopol 47 174/65 Cancer
Sergey Yurga 47 164/70 Cancer
Dmitriy Tver 53 182/85 Virgo
Aleksey Strunino 52 171/90 Aquarius
Sergey Moskva 56 182/84 Taurus
Vitaliy Vorkuta 47 175/64 Aquarius
Varfolomey Sisert 56 167/98 Gemini
Maxim Korsakov 56 180/90 Libra
Aleksey Yugno-Sahalinsk 50 /
Igor Klintsy 54 185/95 Aquarius
Viktor Gromov Sankt-Peterburg 47 180/95
Oleg UFA 47 161/60
Ilya 59 180/74 Taurus
Sergey Beliy Yar 48 164/66 Libra
Misha Tbilisi 57 175/76 Libra
Yuriy Ussuriysk 48 182/100 Sagittarius

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