Male looking for female : With photo. 30-45 years old

Total there: 5842

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Ilya Moskva 40 172/82 Cancer
Aleksandr Maloyaroslavets 37 179/70 Gemini
Evgeniy Tula 41 180/80 Gemini
Andrey Mogilev 34 /
Anton Balashov 32 175/65 Pisces
Ruslan Sharya 42 183/75 Capricorn
Kolyan Balashiha 32 178/64 Virgo
Semen Rovno 33 173/69 Libra
Sergey Yugno-Sahalinsk 43 183/ Scorpio
Evgeniy Rostov-na-Donu 32 190/100 Virgo
Maksim Kaluga 40 172/68 Gemini
Vladimir Kemerovo 34 / Scorpio
Aleksandr Chelyabinsk 39 184/79 Capricorn
Pavel Luga 32 182/78 Leo
Serega Bryansk 37 185/90 Taurus
Vladimir Tavricheskoe 30 /
Aleksey Irkutsk 33 178/78 Gemini
Grigoriy Arhangelsk 34 170/72 Pisces
Aleksey Irkutsk 33 178/78 Gemini
Denis Moskva 34 180/79 Pisces

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