Male looking for female : With photo. From 45 years old and older

Total there: 1860

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Yasha Baku 52 174/80 Leo
Andrey Bney brak 47 190/100 Leo
Maks Moskva 47 175/85 Scorpio
Igor Kohtla-Yarve 60 170/?? Aries
Dima Yaroslavl 59 174/ Libra
Vladimir Simferopol 60 177/72 Cancer
Stanislav Krasnodar 49 187/77 Libra
Igor Kohtla-Yarve Estoniya 60 170/70 Aries
Misha Vologda 50 174/75 Capricorn
Sergey Odintsovo 56 168/70 Pisces
Igor Balashiha 46 175/75 Libra
Matvey astrahan 45 180/78 Cancer
Evgeniy Tobolsk 54 170/69 Scorpio
Sergey Kaluga 50 171/68 Scorpio
Borya Sankt-Peterburg 45 165/60
Sergey Gitikara 45 175/76 Gemini
Yuriy Spassk-Dalniy 48 177/80
Yuriy Krasnoyarsk 57 178/85 Capricorn
Ruslan Kurgan 63 165/56 Capricorn
Vladimir Mariupol 60 165/70 Cancer

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