Male looking for female : With photo. From 45 years old and older

Total there: 1856

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Ayk Krasnoyarskiy 47 185/75 Cancer
Misha Orenburg 48 169/63 Sagittarius
Vladimir Chelyabinsk 50 178/70 Cancer
Dima Orenburg 48 174/82 Taurus
Eduard Krasnoyarsk 48 172/70 Pisces
Ilgiz Balashov 54 178/80 Pisces
Sergey Bortnik Omsk 47 155/60 Libra
Vladimir Starominskaya 68 175/90 Taurus
Oleg Krasnoyarsk 45 170/60 Capricorn
Sergey Sankt-Peterburg 51 170/80 Pisces
Aleksandr Moskva 54 189/95
Igor Dubbossari 48 /
Andrey Gubkinskiy 52 168/70 Scorpio
Feruz Sergiev Posad 45 78/74
Vasiliy Voroneg 65 170/70 Pisces
Evgeniy Kimri 55 188/88 Scorpio
Ruslan Rostov na Donu 50 182/93 Aries
Roman Tyumen 45 182/85 Gemini
Rafael Orenburg 48 165/70
Diyaz Kazan 45 172/65 Leo

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