Male looking for female : With photo. From 45 years old and older

Total there: 1860

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Denis Volgograd 45 den/90 Pisces
Andrey Pskov 55 170/65 Virgo
Ali 50 167/70 Capricorn
Yurik Ufa 51 180/65 Taurus
Oleg Sankt-Peterburg 45 178/80 Sagittarius
Andrey Severodvinsk 48 178/88 Gemini
Aleksandr Mihnevo 47 175/80 Gemini
Igor Vladimir 48 168/68 Aries
Yurik Ufa 51 180/65 Taurus
Igor Tosno 46 176/72 Sagittarius
Yason Stavropol 47 175/103 Capricorn
Vyacheslav Mineralnie vodi 45 1.7/75 Leo
Andrey Novosibirsk 47 182/99
Rinat Ufa 55 178/65 Cancer
Borya Tashkent 47 182/95 Capricorn
Vladimir Ufa 63 180/74 Pisces
Aleksey Saraev Armizonskoe 49 169/68 Aries
Vyacheslav Viksa 45 /
Oleg Talmenka 53 170/70 Aries
Sergey Kashira 69 188/87 Libra

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