Male looking for female : With photo. 30-45 years old

Total there: 5842

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Timofey Klyuchevskoe selskoe poselenie 39 178/67 Aquarius
Leonid Riga 41 176/80 Scorpio
Maksim Irkutsk 32 178/62 Aries
Andrey Moskva 36 185/79 Scorpio
Nikolay Nigegorodskaya oblast 39 175/75 Aquarius
Yakov Ulan Ude 31 173/76 Pisces
Kemal Lipetsk 42 176/80 Aquarius
Rustam Moskva 35 175/74 Leo
Sergey Sankt-Peterburg 42 176/58 Gemini
Stepan Irkutsk 32 175/98 Aquarius
Roman Moskva 42 176/65
Dmitriy Sevastopol 40 164/70 Gemini
Viktor Biysk 44 170/89 Aquarius
Aleksandr Moskva 35 172/83 Libra
Oleg Tyumen 42 176/74 Cancer
Aleksandr Minsk 36 178/80 Aries
Sergey Temirtau 40 170/70 Pisces
Aleksandr Moskva i MO 34 177/80
Vyacheslav Novosibirsk 33 181/78 Virgo
Dima Moskva 35 173/78 Scorpio

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