Male looking for female : With photo. 30-45 years old

Total there: 5840

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Sergey Sevastopol 44 186/99 Capricorn
Aleksey Korenovsk 34 185/75 Gemini
Aleksey Michurinsk 42 180/76 Pisces
Aleksandr Kazan 36 180/85
Pavel Omsk 44 170/70
Evgeniy Tuapse 43 170/60 Taurus
Artur Stavropol 36 1.8/75 Virgo
Vladimir Nikolaevsk Volgogradskoy obl 44 171/78 Libra
Roman Bataysk 36 1.6/67 Pisces
Dmitriy Chita 39 176/85 Pisces
Aleksey Volgskiy 42 180/75 Sagittarius
Anvar Moskva 40 177/72 Leo
Aleksandr Orel 30 172/70 Virgo
Anton Nigniy Novgorod 30 173/70 Pisces
Aleksey Stupino 40 182/92 Cancer
Sarvargon Moskva 43 1.8/85 Aquarius
Nikolay Lipetskaya oblast 37 173/67 Leo
Ivan Dzerginsk 32 167/60 Pisces
Artur Koyashov Ufa 30 / Capricorn
Artur Buzdyak 42 175/70 Scorpio

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