Male looking for female : With Phone contact. 30-45 years old

Total there: 4852

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Vitaliy Ufa 36 165/55 Aries
Andrey Severodvinsk 40 186/75 Aquarius
Aleksey Moskva 33 174/78 Taurus
Tolik Chapligin 37 169/68 Gemini
Viktor Bezopasnoe 43 172/80 Gemini
Sergey Kemerovo 39 165/56 Leo
Maksim Poltava 35 183/70 Taurus
Ilya Moskva 33 161/59 Cancer
Emin Moskva 34 178/70 Scorpio
Roman Viksa 34 179/91 Leo
Vladimir Barnaul 34 176/68 Scorpio
Aleksandr Moskva 35 184/72 Aquarius
Aleksandr Astrahan 35 174/62 Aquarius
Sergey Harkov 34 196/96 Cancer
Aleksey Saratov 34 170/60 Gemini
Serg Volgograd 37 192/85 Cancer
Ivan Samara 36 170/70 Virgo
Artem Norilsk 35 185/74 Capricorn
Andrey Moskva 38 185/ Aries
Sergey Moskovskaya oblast 31 172/60 Pisces

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