Male looking for female : With Phone contact. 30-45 years old

Total there: 4851

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Aleksandr Pervouralsk 40 168/55 Scorpio
Konstantin Chelyabinsk 35 180/75 Pisces
Roman tula 38 192/75 Leo
Aleksandr Stavropol 31 172/68 Libra
Vyacheslav Moskva 40 170/72 Scorpio
Diyaz Kazan 43 173/65 Leo
Vadim Igevsk 33 173/74 Capricorn
Sergey Zakutin Irkutsk 38 182/70 Scorpio
Vitaliy Moskva 36 180/70 Pisces
Vladimir Igorevich Istomin Starosheshminsk 38 180/76 Pisces
Yaroslav Korenovsk 33 175/60 Taurus
Aleksandr Cheremhovo 33 174/70 Pisces
Vitaliy Biysk 34 -/- Leo
Sergey Kiev 39 180/100 Aries
AlimHudaynazarov Simferopol 36 170/74 Cancer
Mihail Ekaterinburg 34 178/79 Virgo
Ruslan Nazarovo 40 / Cancer
Andrew Lugansk 35 186/90 Libra
Vitaliy Krasnodar 34 165/65 Cancer
Yuriy moskva 37 180/90 Aries

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