Male looking for female : With photo. From 45 years old and older

Total there: 1860

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Sigizmund Tarnobrgeg 55 175/75 Leo
Valeriy Pushkino 50 185/96 Libra
Aleksandr Ryazan 46 183/95 Capricorn
Vlad Golinki 46 172/60 Sagittarius
Gena Moskva 50 175/68 Virgo
V Moskva 45 180/90
Valera Olhovka 48 173/68 Libra
Slava Moskva 45 180/85 Aquarius
A Moskva 48 176/72 Aquarius
Daniel Ballarat 50 176/50 Aquarius
Andrey Vorkuta 50 186/98 Leo
Almaz-Gocha Igevsk 48 179/78 Scorpio
Andrey Moskva 56 176/70
Aleksey Penza 47 167/73 Scorpio
Aleksey Kalininskaya 45 188/78 Pisces
Aleksey G Krasnoarmeyskaya 45 190/79 Pisces
Sergey Nikolaevsk 46 163/65 Capricorn
Oleg Moskva 48 171/58
Andrey Podolsk 45 178/90 Scorpio
Oleg Kusa 54 180/80 Cancer

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