Female finding boyfriend : With photo. 18-29 years old

Total there: 1122

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Vita Sankt-Peterburg 26 160/55 Aquarius
Webmodel Berlin 22 170/50 Taurus
Natalya Omsk 23 /
Rimma Chelyabinsk 27 /
Savovkrastan Zakamensk 25 168/78 Leo
Natalya Moskva 24 170/48 Aquarius
Svetlana Chehov 27 /
Kristina Rovenki 28 160/ Aries
Tatyana Anapa 20 167/45 Aries
Vika Moskva 19 175/51 Pisces
Volha Gomel 25 150/45 Sagittarius
Anna Kiev 18 / Gemini
Kris Belgorod 21 167/58 Scorpio
Tonya Kinel 22 160/62
Alisa Sankt-Peterburg 25 /
Lerka Moskva 26 / Gemini
Vika Moskva 27 169/59 Pisces
Olesya Kondakova Moskva 19 /
Kristina Chelyabinsk 28 164/ Capricorn
Svetlana Nelidovo 29 169/50 Gemini

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