Female finding boyfriend : With photo. 18-29 years old

Total there: 1123

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Yuliya Magnitik Odintsovo 29 160/56 Libra
Yuliya Moskva 29 167/52 Scorpio
Tanechka Barnaul 26 150/40 Libra
Vasilisa Pushkin 25 165/58
Nadya Istra 28 / Pisces
A Perm 24 165/67 Libra
Irina Krasnograd 23 155/41 Aries
Tomulya Aleksin 25 163/ Taurus
Anastasiya Moskva 27 169/57 Cancer
Yuliya Kiev 24 168/58
Alison Vladivostok 21 /
Yanina Himki 28 168/75 Libra
Alena Vologda 22 164/62 Capricorn
Olya Geleznodorogniy 23 175/53 Leo
Celins Abramtsevo 26 172/128 Aquarius
Olesya Moskva 23 170/52
Katya Cheboksari 29 /
Elvira Simferopol 24 167/45 Gemini
Verunya Baltiysk 24 172/60 Scorpio
Nastena Chehov 27 /

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