Female finding boyfriend : With Phone contact

Total there: 1344

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Rita Ufa 37 165/70 Leo
Margaret Moskva 48 /
Yuliya Tomsk 30 168/ Leo
Svetlana Vladivostok 20 167/46 Cancer
Tamara Mogilev 40 164/74 Libra
Yana Lyubertsi 26 172/58 Cancer
Natalya Moskva 52 162/68 Gemini
Sofia Nigniy Tagil 27 /
Marina Krasniy 25 167/55 Pisces
Olga Artemovskiy 40 165/65 Capricorn
Margarita Volgskiy 46 156/60 Scorpio
Natlya Sankt-Peterburg 45 / Taurus
Rina Tver 34 175/
Natalya Ozeri 35 158/52 Leo
Lyuda Odintsovo 32 170/55 Pisces
Oksanochka Dnepropetrovsk 32 /
Tatyana Novosibirsk 50 160/90 Aquarius
Kote Novokuznetsk 19 160/55 Gemini
Lyubov Sankt-Peterburg 54 157/71 Aries
Taira Novokuznetsk 19 160/55 Gemini

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