Female finding boyfriend : With Phone contact. 18-29 years old

Total there: 485

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Polina Novosibirsk 20 170/70 Pisces
Tatyana Bredi 24 152/54 Sagittarius  
Aliah Moscow 25 178/78 Capricorn
Lyubov Tver 25 167/ Aries
Olga Kiev 27 173/57 Capricorn
Veronika Sharan 19 146/40 Aquarius
Natashp Odessa 20 165/57 Capricorn
Vadim Lapenkov Minsk 23 180/65 Capricorn
Olga Moskva 27 170/51 Aries
Dasha Lybny 18 155/55 Libra
Anastasiya Varis Yakutsk 25 295/295 Libra
Viktoriya Vladivostok 26 170/76 Taurus
Viktor Moskva 25 173/65 Pisces
Olichka Bershad 19 162/67
Olga Belaya Tserkov 18 163/48 Leo
Ekaterina Moskva 22 167/55 Taurus
Angel Krasnodar 29 156/52 Aquarius
Natasha Moskva 19 / Taurus
Viktoriya Rostov-na-Donu 21 179/78 Aquarius
Roman Kagul 28 170/70 Cancer

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