Female finding boyfriend : With photo. 30-45 years old

Total there: 1205

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Inna Odessa 40 170/62 Cancer
Natasha Cherepovets 34 165/75 Libra
Nadegda Moskva 36 165/62 Capricorn
Anonim Liski 30 /
Nadegda Pachelma 43 160/63 Virgo
Julia Ugur 35 165/66
Jlia Ugur 35 165/66 Capricorn
Elena Moskva 33 / Libra
Valyusha Irkutsk 32 162/65 Aquarius
Eva Rostov-na-Donu 43 165/55 Virgo
Gospoga Lena Moskva 43 175/70 Libra
Yuliya Krasnoyarsk 38 165/ Cancer
Maru Pyatigorsk 30 /
Olesya Novosibirsk 36 160/70 Pisces
Viktoriya Tolyatti 31 165/60 Aquarius
Olya Omsk 38 /
Viktoriya Moskva 40 160/50 Gemini
Lidiya Chehov 39 156/82 Capricorn
Galina Arti 38 170/80 Pisces
Nataliya Moskva 39 170/80 Sagittarius

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