Female finding boyfriend : With photo

Total there: 3067

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Elena Nigniy Novgorod 48 158/80 Virgo
Mishel Penza 21 180/56 Leo
Viktoriya Moskva 33 /
Natalya Kiev 40 170/95 Aquarius
Yuliya Moskva 35 169/ Aries
Olga Mariupol 58 165/80 Aries
Svetlana Balashiha 54 164/66 Aquarius
Svetlana Klin 26 / Virgo
Maltseva Katyusha Moskva 19 172/55 Scorpio
Guzel Ufa 27 158/52 Pisces
Aysel Baku 27 170/50 Capricorn
Viktoriya Sankt-Peterburg 48 164/58 Leo
Ira Novosibirsk 31 163/51 Pisces
Ganna Moskva 30 165/58 Leo
Karina Sankt-Peterburg 32 164/64
Lyudmila Kiev 32 176/70 Sagittarius
Diana Moskva 22 165/63 Pisces
Elena Moskva 33 165/62 Leo
Ttn Batumi 30 183/77 Scorpio
Marina Penza 17 /

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