Female finding boyfriend : With photo

Total there: 3067

Name City Age Height/weight Photo
Mariya Moskva 22 170/40
Natasha Moskva 18 /
Viktoriya Tolyatti 31 165/60 Aquarius
Marina Novosibirsk 54 164/70 Leo
Nastya Abramtsevo 26 170/55 Aries
Natasha Moskva 29 172/70 Pisces
Olga Igevsk 53 164/75 Sagittarius
Yaska Habarovsk 21 167/ Aquarius
Darya Chernovtsi 28 172/
Nastya Lyubinskiy 16 160/55 Aquarius
Olya Omsk 38 /
Lara Moskva 45 178/75 Pisces
Dasha Moskva 18 /
Viktoriya Moskva 40 160/50 Gemini
Lidiya Chehov 39 156/82 Capricorn
Irina Lipetsk 47 156/65 Libra
Vika Zarechniy 25 /
Galina Arti 38 170/80 Pisces
Malena Naberegnie Chelni 26 159/48 Cancer
Nataliya Moskva 39 170/80 Sagittarius

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